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Badbury Park Primary School - Forest School

The Blue Kite Academy Trust

Forest School at Badbury Park Primary School

Wow! What a wonderful first Forest School session at The Richard Jefferies Museum. First we got on a minibus; this was a new experience for many of us. We arrived and Mike greeted us. Mrs Dance taught us all about fires and fire safety, and Mike lit the fire. We learnt about hazards and put red triangle near them so we knew to stay away. We went on a leaf hunt and created sticky leafy crowns to become Kings and Queens of the forest. We stomped across the bridge and tried to wake the troll! We played in the gardens and enjoyed the bird hide, mud kitchen, trees and puddles. Mike then fed the chickens and we saw the eggs that they had laid. 

This week we were very busy in the forest. We lit a fire and fed it fuel (more wood). This kept us warm. We went on a leaf hunt and created leaf animals. We relaxed with a snack and hot chocolate around the fire, and then learnt a new digraph ch, ch, chicken. We were very lucky to have real chickens to stroke to help us remember our sound. We love our forest afternoons.

In Forest School this week, we went on an Autumn hunt, made clay hedgehogs, built hedgehog houses and collected materials to create the spikes on our hedgehogs. We ended the session with a hot chocolate.

We had a great first session with tools, in the forest. We read the 'Stick Man' book and then whittled our own!

We sat on the train platform to embed our new phonic sound 'ee, ee, what can I see?' - a book all about a train journey.

Wow, we had snow this morning and then glorious sun for Forest School. Spring had definitely sprung this afternoon. We went on a walk where we spotted signs of spring including buds, flowers, green leaves and blossom. After that, we made fairy dens for the Phonic Fairy's friends who had lost their homes in the storm. This took a lot of perseverance, and designing and building. We finished with hot chocolate and free time where we swung in trees and climbed low trees, which developed our risk taking. Such a wonderful start to the new season and it is great for us to see the confidence in the children grow each session. 

© 2019 Badbury Park Primary School

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