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Take a look at this checklist which gives developmental milestones for children at different ages and highlights what children should be typically able to do and our list o FAQ's about reading at home


Questions to develop comprehension skills

Can your child find evidence directly and indirectly from the story? 

  • What did……… do?

  • How many……… were/are there?

  • Where did it happen?

  • Who was there?

  • Who are………?

  • How does he describe it?

  • How do you make/do……?

  • What happened when……… did………?

  • What happened to………?

  • How is the character feeling? How do you know?

Can your child answer questions without referring to the story?

  • Have you ever....?

  • If you could....?

  • If you were going to....?

  • In your opinion...?

  • Do you agree with...? Why...?

  • Do you know anyone who...?

  • How do you feel about....?

  • What do you think will happen next...? 

Read through these "top tips" on hearing your child read

Phonics - How to support your child at home:

Parent's phonic booklet 

Phonics Play -

Phonics Bloom -

Top Marks -

Parent Booklets 

Maths Booklet 

English Booklet

© 2019 Badbury Park Primary School

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