Badbury Park Primary School - Loose Parts
The Blue Kite Academy Trust
September 2019 - October 2019
The children chose natural resources and created a ‘fairy land’. They built paths, homes, forests and built a wall to keep the Tricky Troll out. They then moved onto creating themselves as fairies, using pens, and designing 'Peg People' that looked like themselves. The fairies flew back to fairy land where a whole class role play continued throughout the afternoon. Their imagination was unending and the story telling was magnificent.
The curiosity approach rocks!
December 2019
'Loose Parts' - Christmas trees, wrapping presents, learning 2D shapes whilst making our Christmas cards. It has been busier than Santa's workshop at Badbury Park Primary School!
March 2020
We continued our fascination with loose parts by using another wordless picture book. We love these types books as they allow our imagination and spoken language, to create our own stories. Lots of tiny pieces to get our fingers moving. We used magnets to help tidy them all away at the end of the day.